Author Archives: Bea Francisco

How to Overcome Eating Problems As You Age

Let’s face it. There’s a reason why so many of us have trouble eating nutritiously every day. Sometimes it’s just quicker and easier to eat unhealthy food. If you’re having trouble getting started on a healthy eating plan, these tips can help: Boost a low appetite Check with your doctor to see if your loss […]

3 Simple Habits to Lose Belly Fat

Want to tone up that belly fat before you have to squeeze into that little black dress or that tiny bikini? You can! There are many ways you can tone up belly fat in a short amount of time. Here are some tips to do so. Drink More Water Substituting water for whatever you usually have to […]

3 Reasons to Visit Your Doctor Annually

Do you see your physician annually for a well-care checkup? You should! Our health and risk factors consistently change over time. Each year our bodies change, and regular checkups can prevent some diseases entirely. If you haven’t established a relationship with a primary care physician, it is highly recommended. While urgent care facilities are great […]

How Arthritis Can Affect Your Whole Body

If you find yourself complaining about a constantly achy back, a shoulder that kills, or your neck being tied in knots, you should know that these common complaints could be a warning sign that you are suffering from arthritis pain.  Arthritis pain can affect your entire body if it spreads, so carefully listen to all […]

7 Medicine Classes For Blood Pressure Treatment

When it comes to high blood pressure, prescription blood pressure treatment is sometimes required to keep it under control. However, there are different kinds of blood pressure medications, and it’s important to understand the basics about them. With that said, here are some medicines used to decrease high blood pressure. Beta-blockers These are medicines that […]

The Top Vitamin to Bolster Your Energy Levels

Vitamins can help your health in many ways, and some can provide that boost of energy you need to accomplish more during the day when you need it. There are energy drinks, but most of them are loaded with caffeine to keep you awake and stimulate the nerves. Energy vitamin supplements have experienced a boost […]

Are You Hydrating Enough?

You’ve probably heard the advice to drink eight glasses of water a day. Is it true that we need that much hydration? Let’s investigate. Hydration Guidelines Research from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine indicates that adequate daily fluid intake is around 15.5 cups (3.7 liters or 125 ounces) of fluids for men […]

4 + 1 Essential Supplements While Working Out

If you are someone who works out a lot, you might need some additional supplements and vitamins than those who are sedentary or only does a mild amount of cardio exercise. The more rigorous your workout routine, the more your body needs to be fueled with the right nutrients. Here are some essential supplements to […]

How to Choose the Right Magnesium For You

The human body requires specific vitamins, nutrients, and minerals to not only function but to survive. One particular mineral is magnesium.  Magnesium is needed to help muscles, such as the heart, relax and contract. It is also needed to decrease headaches, build strong bones, improve an individual’s blood pressure, and improve brain health and mood.  […]

Tips On Adjusting to Hearing Aids

There are hair cells within your ear that enable you to hear. As you grow older, these cells can become damaged, and they don’t regenerate. When you lose these cells, you lose the ability to hear clearly and sometimes at all. Signs of Hearing Loss Some of the warning signs that you’re experiencing hearing loss […]