Tag Archives: health

How to Treat Hormone Imbalance and Headache

When you experience hormonal imbalance, it seems as if your entire body is working against you. Not just with headaches that occur during your period, but those that seem to linger with perimenopause and even during menopause. If you had severe headaches in adolescence during the years after starting your period, you might find that […]

Exercise: Does it Help or Harm Your Immune System?

When people think about exercising to help themselves be healthier, they’re usually thinking about it in the context of weight loss and improved cardio health. As good as that may be, there’s another component of exercise that you should think about: your immune system. Exercise can actually directly improve your immune system in a few […]

How to Manage Adrenal Fatigue

When confronting difficult and debilitating conditions as adrenal fate, you can be faced with some very hard choices, but staying informed may help you take control of the disorder and return you to a very close place to your previous standard of living. Information can be difficult to weed through, so this information should help […]

A Quick Guide to Five-Day Fasting for Better Metabolic Health

Fasting has been a health and anti-aging method for centuries. Not only does a five day fast provide a boost to the immune system, but it also reduces your risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. A five-day fasting plan was recently introduced, which doesn’t completely cut out all food, but restricts calories to either a […]

What Causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

When you’re suffering the symptoms, it becomes important to know the causes of irritable bowel syndrome. Unfortunately, there’s no one known cause of this disorder.  While many problems with the digestive system are caused by infection or structural problems, IBS doesn’t seem to fit this pattern. Instead, irritable bowel syndrome is a collection of symptoms […]

How to Train for a 5k Marathon

If you are just getting started with running, your first goal is probably to run a 5k. A lot of special events and charity runs are 5k, which means you are running a total of 5 kilometers. In miles, this is about 3.1 miles. It isn’t a long-distance, but it can be a challenge for […]

4 Best Detox Drinks for Treating Fatty Liver

If you are struggling with a fatty liver, adding in more healthy nutrients and superfoods are one of the best things you can do. In addition to changing your diet, you can also start drinking detox drinks. Here are some detox drinks that are healthy and include fruits and vegetables that help to clean out […]

How Type 2 Diabetes Damages Your Body

Type 2 diabetes affects your body in more ways than you might imagine. This is why it is so important that you know when you have it and know how to manage it. Take a look at the risks of this chronic condition. Cardiovascular Health One dangerous area of your body affected by type 2 […]

Amazing Ways You Can Benefit from the Noni Fruit

Noni fruit is a superfood with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. This fruit is used in several ways to help with some health issues and problems. If you are considering noni fruit as part of your daily routine, or for specific health issues, you may be wondering how to incorporate it properly. Here are some different […]

Natural Ways to Decrease Inflammation

Inflammation acts as a horn blowing in the body to signify that you need to pay attention to it. There are two types of inflammation you can have in the body. One is temporary and the other is chronic. Temporary inflammation goes away fairly quickly by using anti-inflammatory treatment methods. Chronic inflammation sticks around for […]