Tag Archives: health

Listen to Your Gut: What Is It Saying?

How well do you listen to your body when it has something to tell you? If you’re like most people, then you probably feel like you’re relatively in touch with your body and how it feels and functions from one day to the next. However, it’s easy to overlook certain signs that your body may […]

What Does it Mean to Have Memory Loss?

Memory loss has a simple definition, but living with it can range from mild to a complete life change. To have times in your memory when you just can’t recall the information you’re searching for means that you’re forgetting what you once knew. Sometimes, these things could be what you learned in school years ago […]

Detox 101: How You Could Start Detoxing Today

In today’s world, people are exposed to a greater number of external, environmental allergens, toxins and microorganisms than ever before. These bodily irritants can precipitate inflammation in our bodily cells, tissues and organs, leaving us susceptible to developing various diseases. The following brief article offers several tips on how we can gradually rid these harmful […]

5 Amazingly Simple Ways to Amp up Your Brain Health

In recent years, there have been a few interesting movements that take place online which attempt to help people to increase the speed of their minds and their general potential. Many software developers have thrown themselves into the mix by creating apps that are designed with the promise that using their intellectual property will actually […]

How to Use Collagen to Improve Your Health

As you might know, collagen is a structural protein that can help with connective tissues in your body. It is possible that due to the aging process, you have less collagen in your body. This consequently leads to increased joint pain, issues with aging lines on your skin, or your hair falling out. Sometimes, collagen […]

How Juice Cleansing Can Replenish Your Immune System

You may have encountered people going on a juice cleanse before, where for a while, they only drink blended fruit juices in order to clear their system out. They do this for health reasons, sometimes to lose weight and sometimes to boost their immune system. You don’t have to go on a full cleanse to […]

Why Exercise Is Important for Heart Health

You’ve probably heard that it’s important to exercise to keep your heart healthy.  But you may not know how it actually does this important job. Sometimes, knowing the actual mechanism that helps your heart will help motivate you to make the changes you need for a healthier heart. Directly, exercise actually helps your heart to […]

Micronutrients: What They Are and Why You Need Them

Your body requires a lot of materials in order to maintain homeostasis or an internal balance. One of the more important materials come in the form of nutrients. Nutrients can be divided into macronutrients and micronutrients.  What Are Micronutrients?  Micronutrient is a term used to describe minerals and vitamins in general. Relative to your body’s […]

A Quick and Easy Guide to Macronutrients

You know your basic food groups. You know how much water you should drink a day. And you know what a healthy meal looks like. But do you know what macronutrients are? You do, but you’ve just been calling them something different. We’ll learn about what they are and why they’re so important to your […]

Why You Experience Fatigue

If you’re struggling with feeling tired all the time, you may be interested in finding the cause of fatigue in your body. Fatigue can actually be caused by many different things. Some of them are simple and harmless, while others can be a serious cause for concern. The most common cause of occasional fatigue is […]