Author Archives: Bea Francisco

Amazing Benefits of Probiotics for Women

Not long ago, probiotics have started to become one of the most sought-after products in the health industry. These are microorganisms that can help restore the body from the inside out. The primary health benefit probiotics provide is help with any nutritional deficiencies your body has. Realistically speaking, consuming enough vitamins and minerals our bodies […]

3 Fascinating Facts About Women’s Health

Health can make or break a person’s life, so it is necessary to research what you can do to stay healthy and live by what you learn. However, male and female humans are not equally created from a biological standpoint. Thus, it is essential to learn the differences between the genders and how to keep […]

Why You Need to Take Magnesium

Nowadays, many people swear by dietary supplements, making sure they are getting the nutrition their body needs to stay healthy. There is a wide variety of supplements available in the market, and they quickly go out of stock because people learn here and there that they should incorporate this and that to their daily intake […]

Can You Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease?

Regardless of the large amount of time and money spent on research, scientists still haven’t unraveled all the truths about Alzheimer’s disease, including its causes. It makes this terrible disease even more horrifying. Despite this fact, there have been major innovative treatments and new, better approaches to dealing with Alzheimer’s disease. Through research, we have […]

Foods That Can Slow Down Your Skin’s Aging Process

Consumers of beauty products around the world spend billions each year on skincare in hopes of maintaining that desirable, youthful glow. Keeping a young-looking skin means keeping the skin tight and radiant, especially the skin on the face and neck. However, it is not a secret that many new beauty products contain human-made chemicals that […]

All-Natural, 3-Ingredient Juice Recipes You Need to Try

Fruits and vegetables are not always convenient to prepare, and that is a deal-breaker for many people nowadays. Because of this, a large portion of the population does not get enough vitamins and minerals in their diet. Because of this, the process of juicing becomes a useful and convenient way to harness proper nutrients from […]

Easy and Natural Ways to Combat Bloat

Bloating is an uncomfortable and quite embarrassing condition to have, but it is common among more than a third of the population. Overeating and gas created by sensitivity towards certain foods can cause that swollen feeling. It is important to know that some types of bloating can be signs of serious illnesses, but it can […]

Are You at Risk of Diseases Because of Your Deodorant?

Reading the label of deodorant and considering the chemical names it contains before you purchase it is necessary. What producers of deodorants do is use tiny, skin-penetrating chemicals to suppress normal bodily functions to keep you sweat-free and smelling fresh. However, is that such a healthy thing to do to our bodies? Here are some […]

Why You Should Add Beetroot to Your Health Drink

Whether you are familiar with beets or not, some studies have shown that you can garner health benefits from its juice. This root vegetable has been used in different cuisines over the years, and they are excellent in providing nutrients that support bodily function. Drinking beetroot juice is one of the best ways you can […]

What You Didn’t Know about Acidic and Alkaline Foods

There are so much rumor and confusion surrounding the role of acidic and alkaline foods. While some people claim that the pH level of foods people eat cannot benefit nor harm the body, others say this does not make any sense. It is true that the pH of the human body functions at a very […]