Author Archives: Bea Francisco

4 Incredible DIY Face Scrubs for an Acne-Free Skin

Exfoliation is one of the most important things you can do if you have adult acne. Exfoliating helps clean out your pores, and clogged pores are often the cause of acne. Here are some scrubs you can make at home with ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen. Tea, Honey, and Vinegar Face Scrub […]

Gut Issues: Common Symptoms and Possible Treatments

There are various kinds of gut issues, and they can happen to anyone during different periods of their lives. Some gut issues are acute, and others are chronic with recurring flare-ups. Poor diet, stress, toxins, and bacterial infections lead to gut problems that can affect the whole body. Common problems with the gut include reflux, […]

Shed Off Those Extra Pounds With These Smoothies

When people think of themselves, most of them might think of the things they want to change about themselves. However, there are no easy or natural ways to augment our facial features or bone structures, but you can alter the state of the flesh around those bones. A large portion of weight loss depends on […]

Knock Out the Pain With These Herbs

Pain is the leading reason that people resort to natural remedies—out of their need to find something they may already have in their homes. It may also be due to financial needs as prescription medicine doctor’s visits can be too costly. Furthermore, people nowadays have become wary of the chemicals they put in their body, […]

Amazing Seeds You Need to Start Adding to Your Smoothies

Smoothies are one of the greatest modern drink inventions of the 20th century. These incredible and delicious drinks have been able to help people achieve a higher standard for health by allowing them to access nutrition in the form of a drink. What about other important dietary health elements, though? The introduction of chia seeds […]

A Quick and Easy Guide to a Sugar-Free Detox Diet

Not all detox diets are the same. Some involve drinking infused water or juice, while others focus on detoxing your skin or home. There are also detox diets that help you eliminate certain ingredients in your typical diet that may not be the healthiest option for you, like sugar. The following tips will help you […]

If You Have PMS, Eat These Foods

PMS or premenstrual syndrome is a part of women’s lives, and in most cases, thus, it can rarely be avoided. However, you might be interested to learn that there are some dietary choices that you can make to help some relief. Here is a list of some healthy foods that can have a positive impact […]

Tone Your Problem Areas With These Exercises

Many women are uncomfortable with some parts of their bodies. So, it is fortunate that the smallest tweaks can lead to some significant weight loss and a leaner physique. Here are the most common problem areas that women are most concerned with, how to combat them, and ways to lead a healthier lifestyle through exercise […]

4 Amazing Benefits of Mallow You Don’t Want to Miss Out On

It is fascinating how nature has been able to provide a plethora of health aids in the form of herbs that can be used for medicinal purposes. Many people search for options and alternatives for traditional medicine, but many of these medications have harmful side effects that can lower your quality of life. You might […]