Author Archives: Bea Francisco

Tea: The New Acne Solution You Need to Try

Surprising as it sounds, but tea is an excellent natural remedy for acne. This all-natural, popular drink is not only good for your stomach but also your skin! In the next few chapters, we will discuss how you can use tea to eliminate those annoying adult acne.  How Tea Can Help Eliminate Acne Tea is […]

Combat H-Pylori and Heal Your Gut

Out of all the common ailments that many people experience, problems with digestion and the gut are among the most numerous in instances. People often view pain as preferable to discomfort in the gut. As it turns out, the health of your stomach and intestines is far more important than just for sustenance. This is […]

Drink up Your Way to Lowering Your Cholesterol!

High cholesterol and its repercussions have been a growing concern among the people that study health and nutrition around the world. After years of intense research, science has uncovered that nature provides a wide variety of options when it comes to dealing with high cholesterol, and a large portion of it comes from plant fats […]

Foods You Need to Let Go to Lose Weight

Many people desire and need to lose weight, but not many know how to do it properly and effectively. The basic recommendation is to eat healthier and better and workout more. While these seem easy to imagine, the questions that come with them make them complicated. Questions like what workouts should you do? How much […]

5 Powerful Herbs Proven to Aid Heart Health

Everywhere you look these days, new fad diets and miracle foods are being sold to the public with promises of what they can offer. This can naturally be overwhelming. Fortunately, numerous scientific studies have shed some light on how various foods can help people achieve their health goals. Knowledge is power, and the more knowledge […]

Mega Boost Your Fertility Level With These Superfoods

Fertility is a major issue for many women and couples. The problem with in vitro fertilization or IVF and other fertility treatments is they can cost a hefty amount of money without the assurance that they will work. You are also limited to a certain number of attempts with certain treatments. If you do not […]

Chronic Pain: Is It Possible to Sleep Soundly Again?

Difficulty sleeping is fairly common among the general population. This is largely due to stress brought upon by work, family, or even simple daily interactions. Sleep is even more difficult to achieve if you are a person who is suffering from a disorder that causes you to experience high levels of constant pain. Most people […]

3 Simple Habits to Power up Your Brain

Eating good food, getting lots of exercise, and taking vitamins can make a person feel like they are doing everything they can to be healthy. However, there are always health components that get lost in the search for wellness. Most people have heard of Alzheimer’s and other cognitive disorders, yet few people take the time […]

These Foods Are a Surefire Way to Boost Your Metabolism Naturally

When your metabolism is not working at its most efficient level, you are very likely to feel sluggish and tired, even right after you have woken up. This leads to a terrible cycle of restlessness and difficulty sleeping, loss of energy, and even depression, not to mention how much more difficult it is to lose […]

Ultimate Guide to a New and Better Cleansing Routine

If you are currently struggling with adult acne, you first need to know how to take care of your skin properly. Even if you wash your face every day, you might be using products or doing things that can be harmful to your skin. Here are some tips you can take to develop a new […]