Tag Archives: diet

Older Adult Health: Fluid, Nutrient, and Calorie Needs

It is imperative for older adults to get enough daily nutrients since they are more susceptible to acquiring diseases. Hence, people aged 50 or older should choose healthy meals every day from the following: Fruits — 1½ to 2 ½ cups What is the same as ½ cup of cut-up fruit? A 2-inch peach or […]

Foods You Should Be Eating, According to Science

In recent years, the Health Promotion Board has developed dietary guidelines for children, adolescents, and adults. However, older adults have different nutritional requirements and require a separate set of guidelines. While there is plenty of tips on nutrition available in magazines and new media channels, not all of these are science-based and accurate. This set […]

Older Adult Health: 10 Tips for Choosing Nutritious Foods and Drinks

Making healthy food choices is a smart thing to do—no matter how old you are! Your body changes through your 60s, 70s, 80s, and beyond. Food provides nutrients you need as you age. Use these tips to choose foods for better health at each stage of life. 1. Drink plenty of liquids  With age, you […]

Discretionary Choices: Foods To Limit As An Older Adult

If you are over 70 years old, some of your dietary needs differ from other populations. Your calorie needs decrease as you get older, yet you may need more of some key nutrients. How Many Calories The amount of calories you need depends on how physically active you are. The USDA defines a sedentary lifestyle […]

10 Must-Have Foods For Older Adults

Specific food products can benefit those in elderly care homes and help them maintain their health and memory if they’re consumed as part of a healthy lifestyle. Eating a certain type of food will not help you cure a disease or prevent dementia, but a healthy diet packed with nutritious foods does have its benefits. […]

5 Tips to Getting Rid of Belly Fat

There are so many tummy-trimming diets out there that say they are the best, but which belly fat diet truly works best?  Many different belly fat diets actually do provide results. Trimming Down Daily Caloric Intake Cut back on sugar In order to trim your tummy, you first need to trim down your daily caloric […]

How To Eat Healthily Without Starving Yourself

For a lot of people, the scariest thing about changing their eating habits is often the fear that they will have to endure days of feeling hungry and unsatisfied after meager meals. If this is one of the things that is keeping you from trying to eat healthily, then you will be delighted to know […]

The Secrets of Healthy Adults

Some people do not give enough attention to their health, and most people find it easier to follow the pattern they have known all their lives. These people live a life that is void of challenge, and they rarely take risks. On the other hand, some older people are living a life full of satisfaction. […]

Vitamins and Minerals for Osteoporosis Prevention

Osteoporosis is a largely preventable disease and there are definitely things you can do to prevent its occurrence. The areas over which we have the most personal impact are diet and exercise. For bone health, the exercise required is weight-bearing exercise. While aerobic and strength exercise is great for our overall health, what is required […]

Metabolism and Metabolic Rate

Do you know what your metabolism is? Many people think it’s just to do with weight gain or weight loss, but it is far more complex than that. The dictionary meaning is, “Your metabolism is the way that chemical processes in your body cause food to be used in an efficient way, for example to […]