Tag Archives: health

Happiness-Inducing Herbs When You Have the Blues

In this fast-paced, hard-grinding world that we live in, it is not a walk in the park to stay happy. Most people experience stress every day, and while this is a regular life occurrence, you may be one of those who eventually find themselves falling into depression. If you allow this to go on for […]

Pursue Holistic Healing Through Your 7 Chakras

Chakras are derived from the Sanskrit word for “wheel”. These are metaphysical nodes of energy where the physical, spiritual, and emotional states of being intersect. To state it simply, chakras help analyze how the balance of energy within an individual contributes to holistic wellness. Read on for a more in-depth discussion on chakras. The Different […]

Walk the Path of Holistic Health With Oregano Oil

Essential oils are not uncommon in the world of holistic health, and if you are someone who has been treading or hoping to tread the path of a healthy lifestyle, then you probably want to learn more about these oils. Many people still have some blurred ideas about how they are supposed to use essential […]

Witch Hazel: A New Great Addition to Your Essential Oil Kit

For the uninitiated, witch hazel is a type of shrub with delicate yellow flowers that exude mild fragrance. This plant’s leaves and flowers are where essential oil is extracted, which is then used in astringent lotions as it provides multiple health benefits. If you want to go all-natural and use natural herbs for holistic or […]

Shockingly Simple Tips for A Youthful Body and Mind

If you think the only way you can get a youthful body as you grow old is to have plastic surgeries, then you might be wrong. There is an array of all-natural, inexpensive ways that can help you maintain a younger appearance and a healthy mind even in your golden years! Below are some steps […]

Metabolism and Metabolic Rate

Do you know what your metabolism is? Many people think it’s just to do with weight gain or weight loss, but it is far more complex than that. The dictionary meaning is, “Your metabolism is the way that chemical processes in your body cause food to be used in an efficient way, for example to […]

Low Carb Diets and Your Metabolism

Metabolism and weight management go hand in hand, whether you are overweight, underweight or currently enjoy an ideal body weight. In addition to directly influencing how much you weigh, your metabolism also has a say-so in how healthy your cardiovascular and respiratory processes are. The metabolic process in all living organisms is very complex, and […]

Stop Feeling Sluggish and Boost Your Metabolism

If your metabolism is not running as efficiently as it could, then you are at risk of gaining weight, which in turn puts you at risk of developing other diseases. ‘Boosting your metabolism’ is a bit of a buzz-phrase, and most people are aware that if they ‘boost’ their metabolism they can help reduce body […]

Metabolism Boosting Foods

If your metabolism is slower than it should be, you can give it a boost with certain foods. Diet controls our health in so many ways and it is easy to fix many a problem just by eating the right foods at the right time. Here are a few foods you can add to your […]

Juicing for Health


Life gets busier by the day, and to make up for lost time we often try to cut corners. However, we shouldn’t neglect our health just because of fast living. This is one of the reasons why juicing has become so popular.
It’s quick, nutritious and convenient.
Nutrients – Vitamins and Minerals
If you’re juicing for better health, one of the benefits is in providing you with the necessary nutrients that may be lacking in your current diet.
Juicing is a great way to get the vitamins and minerals you need, even if you are busy and on the run. It’s also a great way to get the kids to ‘eat their fruits and vegetables’ without too much fuss.