Tag Archives: health

Experience Healing With Himalayan Salt Lamps

Himalayan salt lamps are lamps made from Himalayan salt. They are known to create a cleaner environment and promote healing in a variety of ways. This is due to the heat of the light bulb activating the ions in the salt of the lamp. These beautiful lamps not only provide gentle decor in your home […]

Never Underestimate the Medicinal Qualities of Mints

When you think of mint, you might think of mint jelly or mint in chewing gums. You would not initially consider mint as a medical option. However, several members of the mint family have powerful medicinal qualities and can take the place of most over-the-counter medications. Here are four of those mints, their medicinal qualities, […]

How Women Can Gain Amazing Health Benefits From Ginger

Ginger is a spice that is often used to flavor food. It is also a remedy that can be used for a variety of things. There are many ways that women can benefit from using ginger. Glowing Skin For healthier-looking skin, consider adding ginger to your regimen. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, so it can help […]

Infused Detox Water: Water, Only Healthier!

Drinking infused water is an excellent way to detox your body since you are only using all-natural ingredients, like fresh produce and herbs. It is an excellent way to drink more water as well, which is another simple way to detox your system. Take a look at some of these different detox water recipes. Orange […]

Read This Before You Buy Healing Crystals

As you tread the path of a more natural and holistic lifestyle, the topic of crystals is bound to come up in the aspect of health regimens. After you have done your research and decided on which crystals to purchase, you will need to find the right place to buy them. Here are some tips […]

Slow Down Your Aging Process With These Herbs

Even as you age, it is possible to still feel confident, energetic, and happy by using anti-aging remedies. Among these are a wide variety of natural herbal remedies that can have many anti-aging benefits. These can be used to help combat any adverse effects brought by aging. Here are a few of the best herbs […]

Homemade DIY Healing Herb Tinctures

Tinctures are a healing agent that you may have heard of or seen in herbal shops, health food stores, and in herbal medicine books. These liquids are generally very potent and can contain one herb or a myriad of different herbs and plants used to combat specific issues. For instance, you may find a tincture […]

Healing Crystals and Their Role in Holistic Health

Have you seen bowls and pieces of jewelry made from beautiful crystals? Many people keep them not only because of their beauty but their powerful benefits. Crystals have energy and natural healing properties, which you can harness by choosing the right ones. Here are some things to understand about healing crystals and why they might […]

Simple Steps to Succeed in Food Detox

If you are planning to pursue a healthier body and lifestyle, you might want to begin with a simple food detox. This involves switching to all-natural, fresh foods that promote good health and do not contain any additives nor preservatives. Here are some incredibly simple and easy tips to keep in mind as you start […]

Do These Simple Tips to Age Gracefully

While everyone goes through aging, how you age might be different from someone else. The key is to age while maintaining vigor for life. The process of aging can present a new set of challenges for many people. However, there are some significant benefits to living a lifestyle that fosters health and well-being. As surprising […]