Tag Archives: health

Are You at Risk of Hyperthyroidism? Here’s What You Can Do About It

Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone. This can cause various symptoms, including a rapid or irregular heartbeat, weight loss, difficulties with fertility and sexual function, fatigue, and more. In rare cases, hyperthyroidism can lead to a “thyroid storm,” a life-threatening condition requiring emergency medical care. Could you be at risk […]

How to Work When You Have Arthritis

Having arthritis can make even simple everyday tasks difficult, but you may also need to have a job. Follow these tips and suggestions for holding a job while also struggling with arthritis. Inform Your Employer Your employer needs to know that you have arthritis in most cases because there may be some tasks you can’t […]

5 Simple Ways to Sharpen Your Memory

How well do you remember the information that you’ve encountered? Memory is a massive part of how people see their lives because however they remember events leaves a lasting impression on later events.  One thing that people seem to forget quite often is that the human brain is an amazing and trainable part of the […]

Cardiovascular Disease: What Are Its 4 Types?

Cardiovascular disease has become among the leading causes of death around the world. With unhealthy eating and lifestyle choices becoming more common, education about what kinds of diseases will become more important. Alternatively, several conditions are genetic or inborn. What are the primary cardiovascular diseases out there? This article will be covering this topic along […]

Can Essential Oils Boost Your Immune System?

Essential oils have been somewhat controversial in recent years. While some people swear by them, others have denounced them as being scams. There’s some validity to both sides. While some have had genuine success in using oils, people out there market it to do way more than it actually can. Essential oils can help with […]

How to Effectively Treat Acne as an Adult

To effectively treat acne, you need to know what factors can cause or aggravate your condition. You’ve no doubt heard the common myths that eating chocolate or oily foods causes acne. While a healthy diet is recommended, there is no one specific food that causes acne outbreaks. Learning to recognize the facts from the myths […]

The Role of Gut Bacteria to Your Digestive Health

The bacteria in your body can get off balance. This can be caused by the intake of antibiotics. This is because antibiotics don’t just destroy bad bacteria, they can also destroy good bacteria. Taking probiotics can help to keep the bacteria in your body balanced. Here are some parts of your body that may be […]

Warning: The Danger of Having Belly Fat Nobody Told You Yet

If you want to tone your tummy and clear up all the fat in your belly area, you have made a great choice.  Fat in belly areas is not only unsightly, but it’s also dangerous to your health. Impact of Belly Fat on Your Health Building up and maintaining a lot of fat in your […]

Hyperthyroidism: Signs and Symptoms You Should Know

The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland at the base of your neck. It makes thyroid hormones that affect every part of your body. Thyroid hormones help to regulate your metabolism, digestion, sexual function, fertility, skin and hair health, mood, ability to regulate body temperature, and more. When the thyroid malfunctions, symptoms can be felt […]

How Does a Weight Loss Colon Cleanse Work?

A weight loss colon cleanse isn’t a quick fix to weight loss. However, it is an important step in the process of losing weight and getting fit. All you have to do is sit on a bench outside of a restaurant and count the number of overweight people heading in or leaving the establishment. The […]