Author Archives: Administrator

Are Pipes and Cigars Safe?

Many smokers believe that pipes and cigars are healthier alternatives to cigarettes for various reasons. However, studies reveal otherwise. Many pipe and cigar smokers claim that they don’t inhale the smoke which is one of the reasons why they believe these methods are safer. A study was conducted on 3,500 adults aged 48 to 90 […]

How Exercise Lowers Your Blood Sugar

Exercise is recommended for lowering high blood sugar levels, yet many patients ignore the importance. Some patients have complained about exercise as being a nuisance or a boring chore. If you are diagnosed with diabetes or any illness that leads you to have difficulty in controlling your blood sugar levels, exercise will be prescribed as […]

5 Wrinkle-Causing Habits You Need to Stop Doing

When we think of the visible signs of aging that we most want to overcome, facial wrinkles are at the top of the list. We are constantly made aware of the major common causes of wrinkles – the sun’s ultraviolet rays, stress, alcohol, cigarette smoking and simply getting older. However, there are some lesser-known factors […]

How to Raise Your Good Cholesterol

If you’re a person who is in the know, you might already realize that one of the best ways to fight bad LDL cholesterol is with good HDL cholesterol. Lowering cholesterol is of paramount importance because the ailments that it can cause can be life-altering, and can even kill you. To prevent these situations, taking […]

Passive Smoking: What Are the Dangers?

Do you have friends who smoke? If so, they could be killing you. Passive smoking also referred to as secondhand smoke (SHS) or environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), is something you should take seriously if you spend time in a smoking environment. These days there are laws that ban smoking in restaurants and other public places […]