Homemade DIY Healing Herb Tinctures

Tinctures are a healing agent that you may have heard of or seen in herbal shops, health food stores, and in herbal medicine books. These liquids are generally very potent and can contain one herb or a myriad of different herbs and plants used to combat specific issues. For instance, you may find a tincture for migraines or a tincture for insomnia and even panic attacks. Tinctures are usually taken in few drops on the tongue or diluted in water and consumed orally. If you have been planning to make tinctures from plants found in and around your area, especially those that are common and abundant, here are the basic steps you will need to follow.

Start With a Suitable Base

Tinctures must be stored for several weeks to several months in a cool, dry, and dark place. This means that you will need a carrier base that can help extract the medicinal properties of the herb or plant without breakdown the plant over time, and without harming or reducing its properties. Because of this, you will see many tinctures that use cane alcohol in one form or another. For homemade tinctures, one of the ideal bases to use is 100 proof vodka. Keep in mind that you only one the best quality for your tinctures. Cheaper vodka can break down the plants and herbs since it may be mixed with cheaper solutions or went through a different process than other purer forms of vodka. One handle of vodka, or a larger bottle, can make over two dozen tinctures.

Assembling the Tinctures

Once you have the base ready, it is time to start assembling the tinctures. You will need to have larger bottles for this part of the process. In most cases, the easiest thing to use and store your tinctures in while they cure are mason jars. Traditional-sized jars with secure lids are the best option. Take your herb or plant and separate them into the different mason jars. Do not bruise the plant. You can simply place it into the jar and let the alcohol and time do their jobs. Once you have put the herb or plant into the mason jars, pour over the vodka. Completely cover the herbs with the vodka and secure the lid. Each mason jar will yield at least a dozen tinctures, so keep that in mind.

Final Steps and Bottling

Once the tinctures are ready, you will need to store them in a cool, dry, and dark place. Most people tend to store them in a climate-controlled storage area on their property, or the back of a closet in their home. For safety purposes, in case the alcohol begins to ferment with certain herbs and flowers, you may want to place the jars into a lockable footlocker. This will give you a cool, dry, and safe place to store the tinctures. Wait for at least two months before removing the tinctures, checking on them at least once a week during that time. For higher potency, wait up to four to six months. Remove the jars and strain the liquid. Place the strained liquid into small bottles with droppers. The containers should be brown or dark blue, as the light will degrade the tinctures.

You can store the completed tinctures in your kitchen cabinet or in a medicine cabinet that is located in a cool, dry place. Tinctures should be dosed out at two to four drops at a time, as their potency can be very high.

Aside from healing tinctures, protect yourself from lifestyle diseases and boost your immune system with Buah Merah Mix from Orgaanics.

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