Tag Archives: vitamins

Vitamins and Minerals for Osteoporosis Prevention

Osteoporosis is a largely preventable disease and there are definitely things you can do to prevent its occurrence. The areas over which we have the most personal impact are diet and exercise. For bone health, the exercise required is weight-bearing exercise. While aerobic and strength exercise is great for our overall health, what is required […]

Vitamins and Minerals for More Energy

..be aware that the energy referred to cannot simply be measured in kilojoules or calories, but would be better thought of as vitality or life-energy. In actual fact, over-consumption (and it doesn’t take much) of ..

Lifestyle Tips to Strengthen the Immune System

One way to do this is to ensure that your immune system is in its best possible infection-fighting state. This way, you are protected not just from simple colds but also from other kinds of diseases, whatever the season is.