Coffee: One of the Best Sources of Antioxidants

I have to be honest with you. This was a little bit of a shock for me when I first read it. I assumed something like blueberries or the popular kale would be our most significant source of antioxidants. After all, we hear about these new superfoods in the media all the time. While a cup of blueberries or a plate of kale salad has a lot more antioxidants than a cup of coffee, the problem is that we do not consume either one of them nearly as often and nearly as much as we consume coffee. When was the last time you had a kale salad? When was the last time you had a cup of coffee? Mystery solved. 

But why does it matter anyway? Isn’t ‘antioxidant’ just the latest buzz word in the health and wellness industry? It can feel like something added to smoothies, supplements, and even facial creams to help us stay younger-looking and reduce the risk of cancer. While that is partially true, antioxidants are compounds found in food that help slow down our cells’ damage. 

There are many things in our environment – from pollution and radiation to stress – that damage our cells and cause oxidation. Antioxidants help neutralize some of that damage. The more of these compounds you have in your body, the harder they can work at protecting your cells. That is why it is helpful to consume plenty of antioxidants and to do so regularly.

Free radicals cause damage to the cells, which can infiltrate any cell and even change our DNA. This explains why and how they can cause premature aging and even cancer. Antioxidants can bind to those free radicals and neutralize them. They are found in lots of fresh fruit and vegetables in addition to coffee (which comes from a bean). While coffee is not the best source of antioxidant, it is one that we consume daily. 

Enjoy a few cups of coffee throughout the day. Drink it black or with a splash of milk for the best results. However, do not rely on coffee to protect your body against free radicals. Start by reducing the accumulation of free radicals by not smoking, staying away from environmental toxins, and reducing stress as much as possible. Overeating can cause the body to produce free radicals, so enjoy that cup of coffee instead of that second helping of dinner. 

Then start to work more fresh fruits and veggies into your diet. Have a smoothie for breakfast, load up on lettuce and veggies for lunch, and include plenty of steamed vegetables and beans at dinner time. By cleaning up your diet and enjoying your daily dose of delicious coffee, you can do your part to live a happy and healthy life.

So when selecting your coffee, choose only one that is made from premium coffee beans, like Santé Boost Coffee from Orgaanics. Drink a cup of Santé Boost Coffee to kickstart your day and boost your overall wellness.

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