3 Ways Exercise Helps With Appetite Control

If you are struggling to keep your appetite and hunger under control, it might not just be about what you are eating or when, but your physical activity. Many people believe that the only place exercise has with appetite is helping you be hungrier and requiring more food in your diet, but others have actually found the opposite. They find that – whether mentally or physically – they benefit from exercise by not wanting or needing to eat quite as much.

Reducing Food Intake

Studies have shown that exercise helps both with people who have a big or small appetite. In people who tend not to eat enough, burning those extra calories can trigger your appetite positively. However, studies have also shown that exercise helps to provide a better nutrient balance. If you tend to overeat, exercising more can actually reduce your food intake overall, whether because it makes you want to be healthier, you don’t eat while bored, or because you no longer stress eat since exercise releases endorphins.

Encouraging a Healthy Outlook

Another big reason exercise is useful when trying to curb your cravings or reduce your appetite is by giving you a different healthy outlook. If you sit at home all day or in your office thinking about food, your appetite is going to change. But when you get out there and go for a walk or hike, head to the gym, or do yoga, you suddenly want to treat your body well. You have more respect for your body, and exercising makes you want to eat healthier. This is especially true after a workout, so it is recommended that you try to fit in workouts in the morning whenever possible. It sets you up for a healthy day.

Improve Your Overall Well-being

Your mental health and well-being can also be improved by exercise, which continues to help when you need to control your appetite and hunger cues. If you tend to feel hungrier or have more cravings when you have stress or anxiety, you are likely emotionally eating. Stress can make you feel like you are hungrier when your stress hormones rise, making you want instant gratification. This, in turn, can continue to increase your appetite since you start to associate stress with more food.

Aside from exercising regularly, eating the right foods helps control your appetite. Have a bowl of Santé FibrEnergy in the morning or during your snack time to combat those hunger pangs. Plus, it contains only natural ingredients, such as barley, chia seeds, and oats, which can satiate you throughout the day.

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