6 Natural Ways to Manage PCOS

PCOS is short for the polycystic ovarian syndrome. It is a hormonal imbalance that affects 10 percent of women of childbearing age. It can cause weight gain, excessive hair growth, and irregular menstrual cycles. It can also lead to infertility. Fortunately, PCOS is something that can be handled naturally.


One of the keys to managing PCOS is to balance your hormones. Exercising is one of the ways that you can balance your hormones. Not only does exercise help balance your hormones, but it also helps promote weight loss. Many women who have PCOS are overweight, which can worsen the symptoms.

Moderate exercise, such as brisk walking and cycling, are best for women with PCOS. It is important to note that too much exercise can be counterproductive.

Eliminate Processed Foods

Many women who have PCOS suffer from insulin resistance. This is where the body is not able to use the insulin that it produces efficiently. Insulin resistance can lead to high blood sugar. That is why it is best to limit your intake of processed foods. This includes white flour, pasta, processed meats, and corn syrup.

It can be difficult to make this adjustment. However, once you have gotten used to not eating these foods, you probably will not even crave them anymore. Replace processed foods with leafy greens, vegetables, legumes, and seeds.

Reduce Your Stress

Stress can harm your endocrine system, which can worsen an existing hormone balance. There are several things that you can do to manage your stress. Spending time in nature is one of the ways that you can manage your stress. You can also do yoga and meditate. Additionally, journaling is an effective way to manage stress.

Eat Raw Cacao

Cacao is used to make cocoa. Cacao is a great source of magnesium and iron. These are nutrients that you need to menstruate regularly. You can improve your PCOS symptoms by having a tablespoon of raw cacao every day.

Get Enough Calcium and Vitamin D

Both calcium and vitamin D can benefit women who suffer from PCOS. Calcium helps protect the heart. Women who have PCOS are at a greater risk of developing heart disease. Vitamin D helps the body metabolize glucose more efficiently. There was a study done that involved 13 women who suffered from PCOS. Nine of the women had irregular menstrual cycles. Seven of these women were able to regulate their periods by taking Vitamin D.

Women who have PCOS are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Studies have shown that most people who have diabetes are deficient in vitamin D.

A great source of both calcium and vitamin D is CalVit-C from Orgaanics. Aside from its PCOS benefits, it also has tons of other health benefits, from boosting your immune system to protecting you against some forms of cancers.

If you have PCOS or are worried you might develop it, don’t worry because there are several ways to naturally reduce its effects and treat it altogether. Follow the tips mentioned above to help you go through this condition.

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