4 Herbs to Help You Quit Smoking

For most people, it’s not easy to quit smoking. That’s why there are many smoking cessation programs and stop smoking aids available, geared towards making the process of quitting easier. There are also herbs known to be effective in helping people who want to quit smoking. Here are just a few.


Chewing on a piece of calamus root calms the nervous system. This herb has sedative and calming effects which can stave off the symptoms associated with cigarette withdrawal.

Calamus is also being used in traditional medicine for the treatment of whooping cough, asthma, and bronchitis. The reason it is used for these purposes is that the calamus has the ability to get rid of excess mucous.

This is another good reason why it makes an ideal herb for smokers to use, as it cleans the smoker’s lungs from residual toxins accumulated from tobacco or cigarette smoking. Some herbalists use calamus tinctures or tablets for healing a smoker’s lungs.


Licorice helps improve the functioning of the adrenal hormones. This herb can be beneficial, especially during the withdrawal phase.

It is helpful for balancing a person’s cortisol levels, restoring energy, and reducing fatigue. Licorice also contains an expectorant property that can help clear a smoker’s lungs.

Just make sure to consume licorice tea in moderate amounts. Consumption should not exceed more than three cups a day and for only a few weeks. Consumption of licorice tea for more than six weeks may lead to lethargy, water retention, and headaches. Excessive consumption may also result in high blood pressure and loss of potassium in the body.

Lobelia – Indian Tobacco

This herb can be a good inclusion in your quit smoking program as it helps reduce withdrawal symptoms. Lobelia contains lobeline which is an alkaloid that has the ability to bind to the receptors in the brain, the same way that nicotine does, but without producing an addictive effect.

Lobelia is used as an expectorant, which is beneficial for those suffering from lung conditions, such as pneumonia, asthma, or whooping cough.

The lobelia herb is available in tinctures and teas. When using lobelia, start with small amounts and then gradually increase the dosage depending on your body’s response. Overuse of this herb may cause nausea, diarrhea, hypothermia, tremors, and convulsions.


Hyssop is an herb that contains active properties that are beneficial for cleaning a smoker’s lungs. During the early phase of any smoking cessation program, a person may experience coughing bouts as the body begins its healing process. The body starts to clear the lungs from the phlegm accumulated through smoking.

Hyssop makes it easier for the phlegm to separate from the lungs and it is not advisable to take medications for drying up mucus while hyssop is being taken.

Hyssop tea can be taken once a day until the lungs are completely cleared from phlegm. Honey can be added to the tea for taste if so desired.

Keep in mind that these herbs may contain active compounds that can trigger negative reactions when used in conjunction with other medications. Therefore, it is important to consult your doctor or professional herbalist, before self-administering or using any of these herbs.

To help you quit smoking, use NoSmoke Nicotine Patch. 


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