3 Painful Symptoms of IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome can often manifest a varied and ever-changing list of symptoms. This can be extremely frustrating for the person who is newly discovering the dietary limitations that have been placed upon them by their IBS. In the interest of becoming knowledgeable about their own disorder, many people find a lot of solace in learning what kinds of things they may have to deal with. Others may still be on the fence as to whether or not they have IBS, so here is more information about some symptoms and side effects of having irritable bowel syndrome.

Chronic Pain

One thing that can alert you to the presence of IBS is if you have chronic abdominal pain. This pain can be caused by a number of things, the first of which could simply be the inflammation of the intestines and lower gastrointestinal system. Another thing that could be causing it is the passage of wastes through your system. Anything that rubs against the inflamed lining of your organs will cause irritation and thus, cause some sort of discomfort. It is recommended that you eat softer foods during this time to reduce the amount of strain placed on your digestive tract.

Sudden Need for Bowel Movement

Among some of the more annoying symptoms of IBS is the sensation that you suddenly have to go to the bathroom. This can be highly disruptive to anyone that has the kind of day where they have to be in various locations, deal with children, or even just sit completely still for those who write or edit copy for a living. Many people who experience this sensation also report the feeling of not being finished when they do get a chance to break away from their responsibilities for a moment.

Intensification During Menstruation

For women, IBS can be a very difficult experience because a large percentage of women report that the symptoms of IBS intensify during times of menstruation, which is extremely uncomfortable because they are already dealing with cramping and fluids. This can compound the effects of an already difficult time leading to a massive amount of frustration. Studies have even suggested that women who suffer from some gynecological disorders are more prone to developing some form of IBS. This can have a devastating effect on relationships due to sexual issues, lack of sex drive, and a general feeling of helplessness.

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