Coronavirus, Pneumonia, ARDS, Sepsis are all associated with low vitamin D and all are treated by Vitamin D.

Primarily the Coronavirus infects in the lungs, but sometimes also infects the gut (both humans and animals).

Gut-Friendly forms of Vitamin D include emulsions, topical, and water soluable. Patients with gut issues will probably respond better to gut-friendly forms of Vitamin D.

FERN-D is a brand name for the generic “cholecalciferol” or better known as Vitamin D3.

Study shows that people who have high levels of vitamin D has a lower risk on having diseases like cancer, diabetes, tuberculosis, bone fractures, muscle weakness, and many more like the new Coronavirus.

Many of us are not aware that almost all diseases that caused death are mostly linked to Vitamin D Deficiency. If you don’t get direct sunlight everyday, then you might be at risk of this deficiency.

Save yourself and your love ones from suffering in the future! Take FERN-D everyday to make sure you get the vitamin D you need everyday! Even without the sun!

Here are some of the benefits of taking Vitamin D:

• It is an important way to arm the immune system against disorders like cold and flu;

• It helps the intestine to absorb nutrients, calcium and phosphorus. This ensures strong bones and a healthy immune system;

• Vitamin D prevents osteomalacia, which causes weakness in the muscular system and brittle bones. It is mostly prevalent in adults with Vitamin D deficiency;

• Vitamin D provides calcium balance in the body and prevents arthritis;

• Vitamin D regulates blood pressure and reduces stress and tension. It also relieves body aches and pains by reducing muscle spasms. It also reduces respiratory infection;

• Vitamin D also helps to differentiate between cells, aids in insulin secretion and helps to fight depression;

• Vitamin D is recommended in the treatment of several diseases. It may prevent preeclampsia by improving kidney functions;

• It also prevents cancer by controlling abnormal multiplication of cancer. Research has indicated that people with high level of Vitamin D have a significantly lower risk of developing cancer, as compared to people with adequate level of Vitamin D;

• Vitamin D optimizes our body’s ability to absorb other important weight loss nutrients, especially calcium. If our body lacks calcium, it can lead to up to 5 fold increase in fatty acids synthesis, an enzyme that converts calories into fats. By fuelling our bodies with Vitamin D rich nutrients, you can potentially lose weight up to 60 %;

• Vitamin D also improves eye sight of children. A couple of hours daily outdoors will help their growing eyeballs to develop properly and will prevent nearsightedness;

• It also reduces the risk of developing sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is much less common near the tropics where there is ample sunlight;

• Vitamin D keeps the brain active even at later stages of life. It also helps to maintain body weight;

• It reduces the severity and frequency of asthma symptoms;

• A form of Vitamin D provides protection against damage from low levels of radiation.

• High doses of Vitamin D also help people to recover from Tuberculosis as quickly as possible.

• Vitamin D also helps to improve mental sharpness. People who have foods with high content of Vitamin D have superior memory and information processing capabilities than those with lower level of the sunshine Vitamin.

• Low level of Vitamin D may increase the risk of heart attacks and early death.

Vitamin D Benefits For Skin

The state of your skin is a good indication of your health. Vitamin D offers not only a variety of health benefits but is also beneficial for the skin.

• Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3 are most beneficial for skin health;

• Vitamin D Cream or supplements can be effective for treatment of psoriasis;

• Vitamin D also repairs skin damage prevents infections that might be caused due to skin injuries and rejuvenate the skin;

• One of the most well-known uses for Vitamin D in terms of skin is its treatment of psoriasis. Psoriasis symptoms include itchy and flaky skin, which can heal by the topical application of Vitamin D cream or by having prescribed Vitamin D supplements;

• Vitamin D3 contains strong anti-inflammatory properties which make it effective for treating burns, skin injuries, skin damage and stretch marks. Thus vitamin D is mostly added in creams and lotions for its anti-inflammatory properties;

• The anti-oxidant present in Vitamin D prevents skin damage and premature aging of skin when taken via supplements or included in diet. Adequate sun exposure can also provide relief from these symptoms;

• Scientist are of the view that Vitamin D absorbed through limited exposure to the sun might prevent skin damage and sunburns by strengthening the skin. Opponents of this theory opine that excess of sun exposure is likely to be the main cause for most skin cancers. This issue had caused major disagreement in the scientific community. So most medical professionals advise people to limit exposure to sun and take vitamin D supplements to prevent Vitamin D deficiency;

• Vitamin D also helps to treat eczema and is a potential savior of rosacea sufferers. Enzymes in the skin of rosacea sufferers can cause them to produce antimicrobial peptides in an abnormal form.

Study shows that people who have high levels of vitamin D have a lower risk of having diseases like cancer, diabetes, tuberculosis, bone fractures, muscle weakness, and many more.

Many of us are not aware that almost all diseases that caused death are mostly linked to Vitamin D Deficiency. If you don’t get direct sunlight everyday, then you might be at risk of this deficiency.

Here’s the good news: Coronavirus can most likely be fought by Vitamin D.

Coronaviruses attach to cells via ACE2, which is reduced by Vitamin D. Doctors are now promoting VITAMIN D3 and VITAMIN C to protect ourselves against Coronavirus.

Here are some Facts:

Fact: All Coronavirus attach to ACE2 enzyme in human cells

Fact: Vitamin D reduces ACE2 enzyme

Fact: All previous human Coronavirus are fought by Vitamin D

Vitamin D will also fight the new form of Coronavirus, COVID-19. According to ScienceNews, SARS and the new coronavirus target the same cellular lock to infect cells.

“When cells had the ACE2 protein on their surface, the virus was able to break into them.”

Save yourself and your love ones from suffering in the future! Take FERN-D everyday to make sure you get the vitamin D you need everyday! Even without the sun!